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马伟芳  教授  博士生导师

E- mail: mpeggy@163.com



















1. 黑臭水体快速处理药剂和成套设备研发、河流水质长效保持技术及工程应用;

2. 城镇污水处理厂精确除磷及磷回收技术研究与工程应用,污水处理厂曝气系统精确控制技术与工程应用;

3. 河流生态修复及水质保持、地表水-土壤-地下水联合修复技术及工程应用;

4. 环境新型污染物的迁移转化规律及污染控制技术研究,内分泌干扰物、糖皮质激素、抗生素、多环芳烃等的污染控制及代谢途径;

5. 环境功能材料研发,生物炭纳米复合材料制备、复合化学除磷及污泥脱水药剂、有机复合吸附剂制备。


01. 北京市碳中和达标体系与负碳技术解决方案研究与应用,北京市科技计划项目,2021/09-2023/09,课题编号:Z202100006420008

02. 生活垃圾智能分选装备研发及有机组分转化科技示范,北京市科技计划项目,2020/07-2022/06,课题编号:Z201100008220013

03. 东南发展区土壤-地下水跨介质污染监测调查与治理技术评估,北京市科技计划项目,2018/07-2020/06,课题编号:Z181100005318002

04. 高效沉淀池药剂精确投加系统改造,宁波市城市排水有限公司委托研发,2019/09-2020/12

05. 再生水回补河湖入渗地下水过程中糖皮质激素的迁移转化规律及调控机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2017/01-2020/12,课题编号:51678052

06. 黑臭水体处理和长效保持制剂的研发与示范应用,北京市科技计划项目,2017/01-2019/12,课题编号:Z171100000717003

07. 凉水河流域水环境提升和生态恢复综合示范,北京市科技计划项目,2016/01-2018/12,课题编号:D161100000216002

08. 煤化工高盐水正渗透膜技术研发及应用示范,北京市科技计划项目,2014/01-2016/12,课题编号:Z141100000914009

09. 浸没式海水淡化预处理系统装备研发,北京市科技计划项目,2014/01-2016/12,课题编号:Z141100000914001

10. 浓盐水超声膜蒸馏成套设备研发及示范应用,北京市科技计划项目,2014/01-2016/12,课题编号:Z141100000914002

11. 污水处理厂磷回收及除磷精确控制技术,公司科技创新团队项目,2011/01-2012/12,课题编号:TD2011-2

12. 再生水涵养地下水水质限制性因子EDCs的演化与控制机理,北京市自然科学基金,2014/01-2016/12,课题编号:8132040

13. 城市污水厂侧路回收磷技术及关键设备研发北京市科技计划项目,2012/01-2014/12,课题编号:Z141100000914002

14. 再生水重金属专性吸附滤料的制备与吸附性能研究,桑德集团有限公司委托研发,2012/01-2014/12,课题编号:2012HXFW135

15. 污水处理厂化学除磷精确投加及反馈调节系统设计研究,北京市可持续发展促进会委托研发,2011/07-2012/12,课题编号:2011-HXFW-HJ-41

16. 不同重金属温室盆栽试验的影响因子正交试验研究,清华大学委托研发,2011/07-2012/12,课题编号:2011HXKJ130


01. Xiang, Yayun; Rene, Eldon R; Ma, Weifang*. Enhanced bio-reductive degradation of fluoroglucocorticoids in the groundwater fluctuation zone by external electron donors: Performance, microbial community, and functional genes. Journal of hazardous materials (2021), 423, 127015.

02. Guo, Yating; Rene, Eldon R; Han, Bingyi; Ma, Weifang*. Enhanced fluoroglucocorticoid removal from groundwater in a bio-electrochemical system with polyaniline-loaded activated carbon three-dimensional electrodes: Performance and mechanisms. Journal of hazardous materials (2021), 416, 126197.

03. Xiang, Yayun; Rene, Eldon R; Lun, Xiaoxiu; Ma, Weifang*. Enhanced reductive defluorination and inhibited infiltration of fluoroglucocorticoids in a river receiving reclaimed water amended by nano zero-valent iron-modified biochar: Performance and mechanisms. Bioresource technology (2020),306, 123127.

04. Guo, Yating; Rene, Eldon R; Wang, Junjing; Ma, Weifang*. Biodegradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and the influence of environmental factors during the co-composting of sewage sludge and green forest waste. Bioresource technology (2020), 297, 122434.

05. Wang, P.J.; Rene, E.R.; Yan, Y.L.; Ma, W.F. *; Xiang, Y.Y. Spatiotemporal evolvement and factors influencing natural and synthetic EDCs and the microbial community at different groundwater depths in the Chaobai watershed: A long-term field study on a river receiving reclaimed water Journal of environmental management (2019), 246, 647-657.

06. Li, X.Y.; Ma, M.S.; Rene, E.R.; Ma, W.F. *; Zhang, P.Y. Changes in microbial communities during the removal of natural and synthetic glucocorticoids in three types of river-based aquifer media. Environmental science and pollution research international (2019), 33, 33953-33962.

07. Sun J.J.; Chen L., Rene, Eldon R., Hu, Q., Ma, W.F. *, Shen Z.Y., Biological nitrogen removal using soil columns for the reuse of reclaimed water: Performance and microbial community analysis, Journal of environmental management (2018), 217, 100-109.

08. Wang P.J., Lun X.X., Eldon R.R., Ma W.F.*, Ma M.S., Yu Z.Y., Hydrocortisone biotransformation pathway in three types of river-based aquifers media and changes in microbial community, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2018), 130, 76-83.

09. Yan Y.L., Ma M.S., Liu X., Ma,W.F.*, Li Y.Y., Vertical distribution of archaeal communities associated with anaerobic degradation of pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99) in river-based groundwater recharge with reclaimed water, Environmental science and pollution research international (2018), 25:5154-5163.

10. Yan Y.L., Li Y.Y., Ma M.S., Ma,W.F.*, Cheng X., Xu K.N., Effects of coexisting BDE-47 on the migration and biodegradation of BDE-99 in river-based aquifer media recharged with reclaimed water, Environmental science and pollution research (2018), 25, 5140-5153.

11. Ma,W.F.*, Sun J.J., Ma M.S., Su F.F., Zhang Y.H., 17α-Ethynylestradiol biodegradation in different river-basedgroundwater recharge modes with reclaimed water and degradation-associated community structure of bacteria and archaea, Journal of Environmental Science (2018), 64, 51-61.

12. Sun J.J., Li Y.Y., Wang Z.P., Ma M.S., Ma,W.F.*, Effect of biochar on the migration and biodegradation of nitrogen during river-based groundwater recharge with reclaimed water: an indoor experimental study, Desalination and Water Treatment (2017), 96, 143-152

13. Yan Y.L., Ma M.S., Zhang W.J., Ma,W.F.*, Li M., Yan L.J., Effect of elevated nitrate on biodegradation of pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99) and change in microbial communities during groundwater recharge with tertiary-treated municipal wastewater, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2017), 124, 128-137.

14. Yan Y.L., Ma M.S., Liu X., Ma,W.F.*, Li M., Yan L.J., Effect of of biochar on anaerobic degradation of pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99) by archaea during natural groundwater recharge with treated municipal wastewater, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2017), 124, 119-127.

15. Ma,W.F.*, Yan Y.L., Li Y.Y., Lun X.X., Shan D., Nie C., Liu M.M., Effect of black carbon on the migration and biodegradation of pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99) during natural groundwater recharge with treated municipal wastewater, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2016), 113, 177-186.

16. Ma,W.F.*, Yan Y.L., Ma M.S., Zhang Y.H.,Cheng X., Migration and biodegradation of BDE-99 in different river-based natural groundwater recharge modes with treated municipal wastewater, Process Safety and Environment Protection (2016), 104, 531-540.

17. Ma,W.F.*, Yan Y.L., Ma M.S., Zhang Y.H., Chao N., Effect of biochar on migration and biodegradation of 4-n-Nonylphenol (NP) during river-based groundwater recharge with reclaimed water, Desalination and Water Treatment (2016), 57, 29316-29327.

18. Yan Y.L., Ma,W.F.*, Zhang Y.H., Chao N., Guo H., Lun X.X., Competitive sorption and desorption between BDE-47 and BDE-99 by different river- and farmland-based aquifers media, Desalination and Water Treatment (2016), 57, 29328-29339.

19. Ma,W.F.*, Nie C., Gao X.Q., Qu D., Lun X.X., Chen B., Sorption characteristics and factors affecting the adsorption behavior of bisphenol A and 17β-estradiol/ ethinyl estradiol in river- and farmland-based artificial groundwater recharge with reclaimed water, Desalination and Water Treatment (2016), 57, 8015-8025.

20. Ma,W.F.*, Sun J.J., Guo H., Lun X.X., Faridullah, Effects of Composted Sewage Sludge on Soil Properties and Vegetable Quality from Abandoned Quarries, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology (2016), 13, S61-S71.

21. Yan Y.L., Su F.F., Ma,W.F.*, Lun X.X., Guo H., Role of Sorbent Surface Functionalities, Partition and Microporosity in 2, 2 ', 4, 4 '-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether Sorption onto Biochars in a Single-Solute System, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology (2016), 13, S49-S59.

22. Ma,W.F.*, Nie C., Chen B., Cheng X., Lun X.X., Zeng F.G., Adsorption and biodegradation of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in river-based artificial groundwater recharge with reclaimed municipal wastewater, Journal of Environmental Science (2015), 31, 154-163.

23. Ma,W.F.*, Nie C., Su F.F., Cheng X., Yan Y.L., Chen B., Lun X.X., Migration and biotransformation of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in different river-based aquifers media recharge with reclaimed water, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2015), 102, 298-307.

24. Ma,W.F.*, Liu F., Cheng X., Yang J., Nie C., Zhang P.Y., Environmental evaluation of the application of compost sewage sludge to landscaping as soil amendments: a field experiment on the grassland soils in Beijing, Desalination and Water Treatment (2015), 54, 1118-1126.

25. Ma,W.F.*, X. Cheng, H.Guo, J.J. Sun, C. Nie, F.F. Su, Y.L. Ge. Nitrogen transport and transformation in artificial groundwater recharge with treated reclaimed municipal wastewater through river utilization. Sustainable Environmental Research (2015), 25, 3-10.


01. 马伟芳,聂超,郭浩,韩东梅,严玉林,一种吸附去除水中重金属的颗粒滤料及其制备方法,ZL2014 1 0589831.7

02. 马伟芳,郭浩,马雄威,韩东梅,聂超,一种城镇污水厂侧路回收磷的装置与方法,ZL 2012 1 0483996.7

03. 马雄威,马伟芳,韩东梅,郭浩,丁志伟,一种植物-污泥制生物碳土联合生态修复沙化土壤的方法,ZL2012 1 0285195.X

04. 马伟芳,郭浩,叶建东,韩东梅,马雄威,混凝搅拌器,ZL 2012 2 0636012.X

05. 马伟芳,郭浩,叶建东,丁志伟,韩东梅,生态桶,ZL 2011 1 0177216.1

06. 马伟芳,郭浩,赵岩,陈国伟,韩东梅,一种能量回收型反渗透工艺及其能量回收装置,ZL 2009 1 0243806.2

07. 马伟芳,郭浩,赵岩,陈国伟,韩东梅,用于污水处理的复合纤维模块式生物填料及其布置方法,ZL2009 1 0083587.6

08. 马伟芳,张伟峰,董志刚,一种磺化炭低温催化有机废弃物制备生物炭的方法,ZL 2016 1 025333.9

09. 马伟芳,李轻轻,一种柠檬酸磁性纳米离子正渗透汲取液及其制备方法,ZL2016 1 0284554.8

10. 马伟芳,张文俊,严玉林,一种快速处理黑臭水体的絮凝剂及其制备方法,ZL2017 1 0203729.2


01. Journal of hazardous material》《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Bioresource Technology》、《Chemosphere》、《Desalination》、《Environmental Technology》、《环境工程》、《中国给水排水》等国内外期刊审稿人。


01. 非常规水源补水河流持久性有机物及内分泌干扰物影响及防控关键技术研究,北京市水利科学技术奖,一等奖,2021

02. 城市面源污染控制与景观水体水质改善成套技术与应用,北京市科学技术奖,一等奖,2015

03. 再生水自然回归地下水风险防范工程示范,北京水务科学技术奖,一等奖,2015

04. 重金属污染农田污染阻隔技术集成及应用,北京市科学技术奖,三等奖,2014

05. 首都科技条件平台能源环保平台优秀个人,2011

06. 平谷区安全饮水及污水资源化工程技术示范工程,平谷区科学技术进步奖,二等奖,2009


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