
洪喻 教授 博士生导师
E- mail: yuhong@bjfu.edu.cn
1. 污染控制与资源能源化利用
2. 环境功能材料
3. 环境风险物质毒性评价
01. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“去除微囊藻毒素的多孔碳基铋系复合光催化材料的设计合成与作用机制研究”
02. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向产油微藻采收的功能化磁性纳米材料的设计、制备及作用机制研究”
03. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费自由探索研究项目“基于果蝇模型的环境污染物及环境功能材料的毒性评价”
04. 主持北京市科委科技新星交叉课题“磁性纳米材料在产油微藻高效捕集中的应用及机理研究”
05. 主持河南省科技计划项目“水生植物抑藻剂的研究与开发”
06. 主持中科院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室开放基金“基于产油藻的再生水深度净化及消毒风险”
07. 主持清华大学国家环境保护环境微生物利用与安全控制重点实验室开放课题“常见行道树落叶代谢物质对经济微藻的生长促进作用研究”
08. 主持北京市科技新星计划“水生植物化感物质用于北京市小型景观水体水华防治的研究”
09. 主持公司优秀青年教师科技支持专项计划“氨基酸类代谢物质对有害藻类的生长控制研究”
10. 主持公司优秀青年教师科技支持专项计划“水华蓝藻与常见浮游藻相互作用的研究“
11. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金“水生植物生物碱类化感物质对有害藻类的生长控制研究”
12. 主持公司校新教师科研启动基金“水生植物生物碱对有害藻类的生长控制研究”等纵向课题
13. 主持“应用于水体水华控制的化感物质改性功能材料研究”,“回流除臭机理研究和微生物群落结构研究”,“应用于黑臭水体处理的微藻筛选与处理效果研究”,“洗涤水污染处理与资源化预研”,“城市行道树落叶生物质的高效综合利用研究”等多项企业委托横向课题
14. 作为主要参与人员参加了国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项专题(子课题)入河支流点源污染负荷削减和河口湿地水质保障技术集成
15. 作为主要参与人员参加了国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(子课题)藻?淀近自然湿地生态修复关键技术研究与示范
16. 作为主要参与人员参加了公司科技创新计划项目“污水处理厂磷回收技术研究与示范”
17. 作为主要参与人员参加了公司科技创新计划项目创新团队课题“水深度处理技术与理论”
18. 作为主要参与人员参加了国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与日本学术振兴机构(JST)重大国际合作课题“流域水环境修复与资源/能源生产耦合系统及其关键技术研究”
19. 作为主要参与人员参加了国家科技支撑计划课题“奥运景观水系水质保障综合技术与示范”
20. 作为主要参与人员参加了国家科技支撑计划课题“南水北调东线南四湖生态恢复与综合整治技术与示范”
21. 作为主要参与人员参加了环保公益性行业科研专项“城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场功能性植被体系构建方法”
22. 作为主要参与人员参加了环保公益性行业科研专项“城市污泥堆肥林业利用环境生态风险评估技术体系与控制对策研究”等。
01. Zhang Q, Hao L C, Hong Y*. Detrimental effects induced by diisononyl phthalate on development and behavior of Drosophila larva and potential mechanisms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. 10.1016/j.cbpc.2020.108967
02. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Gu W P. Influence of light quality on Chlorella growth, photosynthesis, and high-valued products accumulation in coastal saline-alkali leachate. Journal of Water Reuse & Desalination, 2020. DOI: 10.2166/wrd.2021.088
03. Zhang Q, Hao L C, Hong Y*. Exploring the multilevel effects of triclosan from development, reproduction to behavior using Drosophila melanogaster. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, Mar 25th, 762: 144170. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144170
04. Zhang Q, Hao L C, Hong Y*. Exposure evaluation of diisononyl phthalate in the adults of Drosophila melanogaster: Potential risks in fertility, lifespan, behavior and modes of action. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C, 2020. Dec, 238: 108847, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2020.108847
05. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, He Y T, Gu W P. Comparison of oleaginous microalgal growth and lipid accumulation in saline-alkali leachate: a case from Shandong Province. Desalination and Water Treatment. (Accepted)
06. Liu P R, Zhou J F, Hong Y*, Xie X*. Electric-field enhanced microalgae inactivation using a flow-through copper ionization cell. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020. Dec, 400: 123320, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123320.
07. Li L H, Li X Y, Hong Y*, Jiang M R, Lu S L. Use of microalgae for the treatment of black and odorous water: Purification effects and optimization of treatment conditions. Algal Research. 2020, 47: 101851-101861. DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2020.101851
08. Liu P R, Zhou J F, Wang T, Yu C. Hong Y*, Xie X*. Efficient microalgae inactivation and growth control by locally enhanced electric field treatment (LEEFT). Environmental Science: Nano. 2020, 7: 2021-2031
09. Liu P R, Wang T, Yang Z Y, Hong Y*, Xie X, Hou Y L. Effects of Fe3O4 nanoparticle fabrication and surface modification on Chlorella sp. harvesting efficiency. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 704: 135286. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135286
10. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, He Y T, Liu Y. Growth and high-valued products accumulation characteristics of microalgae in saline-alkali leachate from Inner Mongolia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 36985-36992
11. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Liu P R, Zhan J J, Yan R. Effects of cultivation strategies on the cultivation of Chlorella sp. HQ in photoreactors. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2019, Sep, 13(5): 78-88
12. He Y T, Hong Y*, Liu X Y, Zhang Q, Liu P R, Wang S Y. Influences of carbon and nitrogen sources and metal ions on the heterotrophic culture of Scenedesmus sp. LX1. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, May, 26(13):13381-13389
13. Liu P R, Yang Z Y, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. An in-situ method for synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials and efficient harvesting for oleaginous microalgae in algal culture. Algal Research, 2018, April, 31:173?182
14. Liu Y, Zhang J J, Hong Y*. Effects of metal ions on the cultivation of an oleaginous microalga Chlorella sp. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(34):26594?26604
15. Liu P R, Wang T, Yang Z Y, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. Long-chain poly-arginine functionalized porous Fe3O4 microspheres as magnetic flocculant for efficient harvesting of oleaginous microalgae. Algal Research, 2017, 27: 99-108
16. Liu Y, Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Formation of disinfection byproducts from accumulated soluble products of oleaginous microalga after chlorination. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(6): 1-7
17. Liu P R, Yang W L, Wang T, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. Functional graphene-based magnetic nanocomposites as magnetic flocculant for efficient harvesting of oleaginous microalgae. Algal Research, 2016 Nov., 19: 86-95
18. Wang T, Yang W L, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. Magnetic nanoparticles grafted with amino-riched dendrimer as magnetic flocculant for efficient harvesting of oleaginous microalgae. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 297: 304?314
19. Zhan J J, Hong Y*, Hu H Y. Effects of nitrogen sources and C/N ratios on lipid-producing potential of Chlorella sp. HQ. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 26(7):1290-302
20. Zhan J J, Zhang Q, Qin M M, Hong Y*. Selection and characterization of eight freshwater green algae strains for synchronous water purification and lipid production. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(3): 548?558
21. Zhang Q, Zhan J J, Hong Y*. The effects of temperature on the growth, lipid accumulation and nutrient removal characteristics of Chlorella sp. HQ. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 57(22): 10403-10408.
22. Rehman S, Yang W L, Liu F, Hong Y*, Wang T, Hou Y L*. Facile synthesis of anisotropic single crystalline α-Fe2O3 nanoplates and their facet-dependent catalytic performance. Inorganic Chemistry Frontier, 2015, 2: 576?583.
23. Zhang Q, Wang T, Hong Y*. Investigation of initial pH effects on growth of an oleaginous microalgae Chlorella sp. HQ for lipid production and nutrient uptake. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 70(4): 712-719.
24. Zhao W Y, Yu J Y, Wu Y H, Hong Y, Hu H Y. Enhancement of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 biomass production and lipid accumulation using iron in artificial wastewater and domestic secondary effluent. Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 42(2): 131-138.
25. Hong Y*, Xu K. Growth relationships of a lipid-producing Chlorella-alga with common microalgae in laboratory co-cultures. Microbiology, 2014, 83(4): 366-375.
26. Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Comparison of growth and lipid accumulation properties of two oleaginous microalgae under different nutrient conditions. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2014, 8(5): 703-709.
27. Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Comparison in growth, lipid accumulation, and nutrient removal capacity of Chlorella sp. in secondary effluents under sterile and non-sterile conditions. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 69(3):573-539.
28. Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Effects of stationary phase elongation and initial nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the growth and lipid-producing potential of Chlorella sp. HQ. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2014 Feb., 26(1):141-149.
29. Hong Y*, Xu K. Co-existing growth relationships of a lipid-producing alga with three microalgae. Allelopathy Journal, 2013, Oct, 32(2): 301-314.
30. Hong Y*, Hu H Y, Sakoda A, Sagehashi M. Straw preservation effects of Arundo donax L. on its allelopathic activity to toxic and bloom-forming Microcystis aeruginosa. Water Science and Technology. 2011, May; 63(8): 1566-1573.
31. Hong Y*, Hu H Y, Sakoda A, Sagehashi M. Isolation and characterization of antialgal allelochemicals from Arundo donax L.. Allelopathy Journal, 2010, Mar; 25 (2): 357-368
32. Hong Y*, Huang J J, Hu H Y. Effects of a novel allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) on the ultrastructure and pigment composition of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, Oct; 83(4): 502-508. (DOI: 10.1007/s00128-009-9795-4)
33. Zhang X, Hu HY, Hong Y. Primary study on the feeding characteristics of a golden alga on Microcystis aeruginosa. Water Science and Technology, 2009, 59(9):1727-1732.
34. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Xie X, Sakoda A, Sagehashi M, Li F M. Gramine-induced growth inhibition, oxidative damage and antioxidant responses in freshwater cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Aquatic Toxicology, 2009, Feb 19; 91(3):262-269. (DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2008.11.014)
35. Hu H Y, Hong Y. Algal-bloom control by allelopathy of aquatic macrophytes - A review. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2008, Dec 1; 2(4): 421-438
36. Zhang X, Hu H Y, Hong Y, Yang J. Isolation of a Poterioochromonas capable of feeding on Microcystis aeruginosa and degrading microcystin-LR. FEMS Microbiology Letter, 2008, Nov; 288(2): 241-246.
37. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Li F M. Physiological and biochemical effects of allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) on cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2008, Oct; 71(2): 527-534. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2007.10.010)
38. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Xie X, Li F M. Responses of enzymatic antioxidants and non-enzymatic antioxidants in cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa to allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) isolated from reed (Phragmites communis). Journal of Plant Physiology, 2008, Aug 25; 165(12): 1264-1273.
39. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Li F M. Growth and physiological responses of freshwater green alga Selenastrum capricornutum to allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) at different initial algal densities. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2008, Mar; 90(3): 203-212.
40. Hong Y, Hu H Y. Effects of the aquatic extracts of Arundo donax L. on the growth of freshwater algae. Allelopathy Journal, 2007, Oct; 20(2): 315-325.
41. Lv Y S, Lv Y B, Ye Y H, Wang Y L, Hong Y, Fortini M E, Zhong Y, Xie Z P. A role for presenilin in post-stress regulation: effects of presenilin mutations on Ca2+ currents in Drosophila. FASEB Journal, 2007, Aug; 21(10): 2368-2378.
42. 刘佩蕊,洪喻*,谢兴. 藻华防控方法及灭活与捕获新技术研究进展. 环境科学与技术. 环境科学与技术, 2021.(待刊出)
43. 陈足音, 洪喻, 郝丽?, 李丽华. 湿热老化聚苯乙烯微塑料对三角褐指藻生长及光合活性的影响[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2020, 43(3): 30-37.
44. 洪喻*,郝立?,陈足音. 新兴污染物对微藻的毒性作用与机制研究进展. 生态毒理学报,2019,14( 5) : 22-45
45. 刘晓亚,洪喻*,占晶晶,鄢然. 更新率对小球藻生长与油脂积累的影响. 环境科学与技术, 2019,42(5): 1-6
46. 上官小亚,洪喻*. 混菌发酵毛白杨落叶产单细胞蛋白的研究. 环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(8): 156-160.
47. 洪喻*, 许可. 微藻间竞争机制研究进展. 环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(5): 75-81
48. 洪喻*, 许可. 产油小球藻与常见蓝藻共存时的生长关系研究. 环境科学与技术, 2013,36(12): 71-77, 99
49. 赵长炜, 梁英梅, 张立秋, 洪喻. 垃圾填埋场覆土层植物根围甲烷氧化活性研究. 西公司学院学报, 2010, 25(6): 59-63.
50. 温馨, 封莉, 王辉, 洪喻*, 张立秋. 生活垃圾填埋场不同封场期场地植物抗氧化酶活性. 生态学杂志, 2010, 29(8): 1612-1617.
51. 洪喻, 胡洪营. 水生植物化感抑藻作用研究与应用. 科学通报, 2009, 54(3):287-293.
52. 洪喻, 胡洪营, 黄晶晶, 迫田章义, 下桥雅树, 李锋民. 芦竹抑藻物质的初步分离及抑制铜绿微囊藻的效果. 环境化学, 2008, 11月, 27(6): 751-755.
53. 洪喻, 胡洪营, 黄晶晶, Sakoda Akiyoshi, Sagehashi Masaki, 李锋民. 不同溶剂提取芦竹化感物质对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响. 环境科学, 2008, 11月, 29(11): 3143-3147.
01. 洪喻, 刘佩蕊, 王婷. 高效采收油藻的功能化石墨烯基磁性纳米材料及制备方法. ZL201610604032.1(发明专利)
02. 洪喻, 刘佩蕊. 一种藻液中原位合成磁性纳米材料并高效采收油藻的方法. ZL201610813506.3(发明专利)
03. 洪喻, 刘佩蕊, 王婷. 高效采收油藻的功能化多孔四氧化三铁纳米材料及制备方法. ZL201610604025.1(发明专利)
04. 洪喻, 张巧. 一株小球藻Chlorella sp. HQ的培养方法及其水质净化产油的应用. ZL201310168216.4(发明专利)
05. 洪喻, 上官小亚, 秦墨梅. 利用梧桐落叶促进小球藻快速生长的方法, ZL201210358606.3(发明专利)
06. 洪喻, 上官小亚, 秦墨梅. 一种从毛白杨落叶中获取促进小球藻快速生长制备液的方法, ZL201210358609.7(发明专利)
07. 洪喻. 一种从苦草中制备抑藻总生物碱的方法, ZL200910177989.2(发明专利)
08. 洪喻. 一种从芦竹中制备藻类抑制剂的方法, ZL200910177988.8(发明专利)
09. 洪喻. 一种用于控制有害藻类生长的芦竹总生物碱的制备方法, ZL200910177987.3(发明专利)
10. 胡洪营, 洪喻. 利用芦竹抑制藻类生长的方法, ZL200510136308.X. (发明专利)
11. 洪喻, 张晨康, 战明明. 一种化感物质缓释赋磁轻质复合材料及其制备方法和应用. 202010152038.6(发明专利)
12. 洪喻, 张晨康, 战明明.一种化感物质缓释悬浮复合材料及其制备方法和应用. 202010151518.0(发明专利)
13. 洪喻, 张晨康, 战明明. 一种化感物质缓释重质复合材料及其制备方法和应用. 202010151504.9(发明专利)
14. 洪喻,张晴,郝立?,路雯多. 一种利用黑腹果蝇评价三唑类农药的生长发育毒性的方法. 2019105324851.(发明专利)
15. 洪喻,张晴,郝立?,路雯多. 一种利用黑腹果蝇评价邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂的生殖毒性的方法. 2019105324692. (发明专利)
16. 洪喻,张晴,路雯多,郝立?. 一种利用黑腹果蝇评价有机溶剂的生殖毒性的方法. 2019105333441. (发明专利)
17. 洪喻,张晴,路雯多,郝立?. 一种利用黑腹果蝇行为应激反应评价污染物的毒性的方法. 2019105333367. (发明专利)
18. 洪喻,于明然,马冠秋. 一种用于培养产虾青素微藻的培养基、一种经济型产虾青素微藻的培养方法及其应用. 2019105332985. (发明专利)
19. 洪喻,刘晓亚. 一种污泥水解酸化液的处理方法. 2019105332985. (发明专利)
20. 洪喻,刘晓亚,刘瑜. 一种利用微藻低成本生产油脂的方法. 2019105333653. (发明专利)
21. 洪喻,李亚丽,刘晓亚. 一种斜生栅藻的培养方法及其净化餐厨废水产油的应用. 2019105324635. (发明专利)
22. 洪喻,李馨雨,陆松柳,蒋梦然. 一种利用微藻处理黑臭水体的方法. 2019105333776. (发明专利)
23. 洪喻,范云鹏,张盼月,梁文艳. 一种用于调控水质的沉水植物悬水种植装置. 2019105302903.(发明专利)
01. Liu P R, Hong Y*. Magnetic nanomaterials for water remediation. In: Hou Y L, Sellmyer D J, eds. Magnetic Nanomaterials: Fundamental, Synthesis and Applications. Chapter. 16. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2017, 515-535. (ISBN:978-3-527-34134-4)
02. Liu X Y, Hong Y*. Research status in quo of disinfection by-products formation from algal organic matter as precursors. In: Prasad M N V, ed. Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water: Detection and Treatment. Chapter. 6. Butterworth-Heinemann Elsevier, 2020, 137-168. (ISBN: 978-0-08-102977-0)
03. 《我国典型城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场生态修复优势植物图册》, 中国环境科学出版社, ISBN978-5111-0718-3(副主编)
04. 《生态毒理学》,中国环境出版集团,书号:CIP数据核字(2019)第186581号;ISBN978-7-5111-4083-8(普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材)(参编)
05. 《环境毒理学(第三版)》,高等教育出版社出版,书号:CIP数据核字(2018)第215984号;ISBN 978-7-04-050623-5(高等教育规划教材)(参编)
担任中国化学学会青年工作委员会委员、中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会委员、中国藻业协会微藻分会青工委委员、中国自然资源学会科普工作委员会委员、国际水协会会员、亚洲化感作用协会终身会员等。另外,承担教育部、国家基金委、科技部信息中心、北京市科委等单位的项目函评专家。承担Current Pollution Reports特邀编辑(2020-)以及国内国外多家知名学术期刊审稿人或特邀审稿人。作为公司导师团成员为各地中员工做科普教育,获得ISW与FDW培训证书参与公司教发中心教师培训工作。
01. 北京市科技新星、中国环境科学学会青年科技奖
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