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常红       副教授       博士生导师

E- mail: changh@bjfu.edu.cn

















1. 新型污染物环境检测

2. 新型污染物迁移转化和风险评估


01. 国家自然基金委面上项目水环境中甲状腺激素类物质的污染特征及归趋研究(420773062021/01-2024/1257万元,在研主持。

02. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题太湖水生生物优控污染物筛选(2018ZX07208001-012018/01-2020/06303万元,在研,主持。

03. 国家自然基金委面上项目环境水体中糖皮质激素及其生物转化产物的识别与转化机理研究(415731092016/01-2019/1287.6万元,结题,主持。

04. 公司中青年团队项目新型污染物的环境行为与控制(2015ZCQ-HJ-022015/10-2020/12150万元,在研,主持。


01. Wang HP, Chang H*, Zhang CX, Feng CL, and Wu FC*. Occurrence of Chlorinated Paraffins in a Wetland Ecosystem: Removal and Distribution in Plants and Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 55, 994?1003, 2021.

02. Wang HP, Liu XQ, hang CX, Wan Y, Chang H*. Occurrence and mass balance of emerging brominated flame retardants in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Water Research 185, 116298, 2020.

03. Shen XY, Chang H*, Sun Y, Wan Y. Determination and occurrence of natural and synthetic glucocorticoids in surface waters. Environment International 134, 105278, 2020.

04. Zhang CX, Chang H*, Wang HP, Zhu YR, Zhao XL, He Y, Sun FH*, Wu FC. Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Short?, Medium?, and Long-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Sediment Cores from Nine Lakes in China. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 9462?9471, 2019.

05. Wang HP, Chang H*, Zhang CX, Wu FC. Occurrence and mass balance of medium- and long-chain chlorinated paraffins in a municipal sewage treatment plant: Comparison to short-chain compounds. Environment International 133, 105273, 2019.

06. Shen XY, Chang H*, Shao B, Sun FH, Wu FC. Occurrence and mass balance of sixty-two progestins in a municipal sewage treatment plant. Water Research 165, 114991, 2019.

07. Shen XY, Chang H*, Sun DZ, Wang LX, Wu FC. Trace analysis of 61 natural and synthetic progestins in river water and sewage ef?uents by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Water Research 133, 142?152, 2018.

08. Chang H*, Shen XY, Shao B, Wu FC. Sensitive analysis of steroid estrogens and bisphenol A in small volumes of water using isotope-dilution ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Environmental Pollution 235, 881?888, 2018.

09. Chang H, Wu FC*, Jin F, Feng CL, Zhao XL, Liao HQ. Picogram per liter level determination of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in water by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1223, 131?135, 2012.

10. Chang H, Wan Y, Hu JY*. Occurrence of Androgens and progestogens in sewage treatment plants and receiving river waters: comparison to estrogens. Water research 45, 732?740, 2011.

11. Chang H, Wan Y*, Naile J, Zhang XW, Wiseman S, Hecker M, Lam MHW, Giesy JP, Jones PD. Simultaneous quantification of multiple classes of phenolic compounds in blood plasma by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1217, 506?513, 2010.

12. Chang H, Wan Y, Hu JY*. Determination and source apportionment of five classes of steroid hormones in urban rivers. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 7691?7698, 2009.

13. Chang H, Hu JY*, Shao B. Occurrence of Natural and Synthetic Glucocorticoids in Sewage Treatment Plants and Receiving River Waters, Environmental Science & Technology 41, 3462?3468, 2007.



01. 2015年国家自然科学二等奖,典型内分泌干扰物质的环境行为与生态毒理效应,第四完成人。

02. 2014年获得国家自然基金委人才项目优青项目资助。

03. 2009年北京市优秀博士论文

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