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刘永泽       副教授       硕士生导师

E- mail: liuyongze@bjfu.edu.cn








2015年?2017---公司,十大正规赌网站,讲师, 硕士生导师。

2018年?至今-------公司,十大正规赌网站,副教授, 硕士生导师







01. 高级氧化除污染技术

02. 水的消毒技术

03. 环境中微污染物的光降解行为及迁移转化规律。


01. 多溴联苯醚在硫酸根自由基高级氧化体系中的降解机制与溴元素转移规律研究、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、2017/01-2019/1222万元(主持)。

02. 氮掺杂碳材料活化过硫酸盐降解有机污染物效能与机制研究、公司科技创新计划项目(自由探索研究项目)(2018ZY16)、2018/5-2019/1215万,(主持)。

03. 基于硫酸根自由基的高级氧化工艺对药物类污染物的氧化规律研究、公司科技创新计划项目、2015-10-312017-10-317万元(主持)。

04. 沙河水库水环境质量改善及水生态修复集成技术研究与示范、国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项、2018-01-012020-12-31450万元(参与)。

05. 海河北系永定河-洋河段水污染控制与水质改善技术集成与综合示范、国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项、2015-01-012017-12-31230万元(参与)。

06. 典型药物类污染物在人工湿地系统中迁移转化行为与协同去除机制、北京市自然科学基金项目、2018/01-2020/1219万元(参与)。

07. 城镇降雨径流与面源污染控制技术集成与应用、国家水污染控制与治理科技重大专项、2017/01-2020/06150万元(参与)。

08. 新型污染物的环境行为与控制、公司青年教师科学研究中长期项目、2015-10-012020-12-31150万元(参与)。

09. 基于乔灌草-微生物-土壤改良的废弃矿区重金属污染场地修复关键技术研究、公司科技创新计划项目、2016-01-012018-12-3030万元(参与)。


01. Tian Yajun; Wei Lianxue; Yin Ze; Feng Li; Zhang Lirong; Liu Yongze*; Zhang Liqiu*. Photosensitization mechanism of algogenic extracellular organic matters (EOMs) in the photo-transformation of chlortetracycline: Role of chemical constituents and structure. Water research, 2019, 164: 114940.

02. Tian Yajun; Zou Jinru; Feng Li; Zhang Liqiu*; Liu Yongze*. Chlorella vulgaris enhance the photodegradation of chlortetracycline in aqueous solution via extracellular organic matters (EOMs): Role of triplet state EOMs. Water research, 2019, 149: 35-41.

03. Wu Yongxin; Yang Yi; Liu Yongze*; Zhang, Liqiu; Feng Li*. Modelling study on the effects of chloride on the degradation of bezafibrate and carbamazepine in sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes: Conversion of reactive radicals. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 358: 1332-1341.

04. Yongze Liu*, Yi Yang, Suyan Pang*, Liqiu Zhang, Jun Ma, Congwei Luo, Chaoting Guan, Jin Jiang. Mechanistic insight into suppression of bromate formation by dissolved organic matters in sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 333: 200-205.

05. Yongze Liu, Jin Jiang*, Jun Ma*, Yi Yang, Congwei Luo, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Zhongkai Guo. Role of the Propagation Reactions on the Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Ozonation and Peroxone (Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide) Processes. Water Research, 2015, 68(0): 750-758.

06. Liu Yongze, Sun Haowan, Zhang Liqiu, Feng Li*. Photodegradation behaviors of 17-estradiol indifferent water matrixes. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2017, 112: 335-341.

07. Zhongen Sun, Li Feng, Yongze Liu*, Siying Lu, and Liqiu Zhang. Magnetic Sludge-Based Activated Carbon: Preparation, Characterization, and Application for Catalytic Ozonation of Ibuprofen. Science of Advanced Materials, 2017, 9: 2066-2072.

08. Yongze Liu, Yuqing Tang, Yongxin Wu, Li Feng*, Liqiu Zhang. Degradation of naproxen in chlorination and UV/chlorine processes: kinetics and degradation products. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019: 1-10.

09. Ze Yin; Ya junTian; Peng Gao; Li Feng; Yongze Liu; Ziwen Du; Liqiu Zhang. Photodegradation mechanism and genetic toxicity of bezafibrate by Pd/g-C3N4 catalysts under simulated solar light irradiation: The role of active species. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 379: 122294.

10. Chen Siao; Cai Meiquan; Liu Yongze; Zhang Liqiu; Feng Li. Effects of water matrices on the degradation of naproxen by reactive radicals in the UV/peracetic acid process. Water research, 2019, 150: 153-161.

11. Zhou Yuan; Liu Yongze; Jiang Wenbo; Shao Linlin; Zhang Liqiu*; Feng Li. Effects of pyrolysis temperature and addition proportions of corncob on the distribution of products and potential energy recovery during the preparation of sludge activated carbon. Chemosphere, 2019, 221:175-183.

12. Jia Xing-Hua; Feng Li; Liu Yongze; Zhang Liqiu. Degradation behaviors and genetic toxicity variations of pyrazolone pharmaceuticals during chlorine dioxide disinfection process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 345: 156-164.

13. Tang Yuqing; Shi Xueting; LiuYongze; Feng Li; Zhang Liqiu. Degradation of clofibric acid in UV/chlorine disinfection process: kinetics, reactive species contribution and pathways. Royal society open science, 2018, 2:5.

14. Lu Siying; Liu Yongze; Feng Li; Sun Zhongen; Zhang Liqiu. Characterization of ferromagnetic sludge-based activated carbon and its application in catalytic ozonation of p-chlorobenzoic acid. Environmental science and pollution research, 2018, 25(6): 5086-5094.

15. Xing-Hua Jia, Li Feng, Yongze Liu, Li-Qiu Zhang*. Oxidation of antipyrine by chlorine dioxide: Reaction kinetics and degradation pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 309: 646-654.

16. Xue-Ting Shi, Yongze Liu, Yu-Qing Tang, Li Feng, Li-Qiu Zhang*. Kinetics and pathways of Bezafibrate degradation in UV/chlorine process. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 25(1):672-682.

17. Jin, Aijie, Feng, Li; Zhang, Liqiu*; Liu, Yongze. Changes of the toxic potential of drinking water containing aminopyrine before and after chlorine disinfection as determined by the algal toxicity assay and the SOS/umu assay. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2016, 113: 269-275.

18. Congwei Luo, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma, Suyan Pang, Yongze Liu, Yang Song, Chaoting Guana, Juan Li, Yixin Jin, Daoji Wu. Oxidation of the odorous compound 2,4,6-trichloroanisole by UV activated persulfate: Kinetics, products, and pathways. Water Research, 2016, 96: 12-21.

19. Congwei Luo, Jun Ma, Jin Jiang, Yongze Liu, Yang Song, Yi Yang, Yinghong Guan, Daoji Wu. Simulation and comparative study on the oxidation kinetics of atrazine by UV/H2O2, UV/HSO5- and UV/S2O82-. Water Research, 2015, 80: 99-108.

20. Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Su-Yan Pang, Qiang Wang, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Yongze Liu, and Jun Ma. Oxidation of Bromophenols and Formation of Brominated Polymeric Products of Concern during Water Treatment with Potassium Permanganate. Environment Science & Technology, 2014, 48 (18): 10850-10858.

21. Yi Yang, Jin Jiang, Xinglin Lu, Jun Ma, and Yongze Liu. Production of Sulfate Radical and Hydroxyl Radical by Reaction of Ozone with Peroxymonosulfate: A Novel Advanced Oxidation Process. Environment Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (12): 7330-7339.

22. Su-Yan Pang, Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Yang Zhou, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Yongze Liu, and Jun Ma. Oxidation of Flame Retardant Tetrabromobisphenol A by Aqueous Permanganate: Reaction Kinetics, Brominated Products, and Pathways. Environment Science & Technology, 2014, 48 (1): 615-623.

23. Xiaoliu Huangfu, Jin Jiang, Yaan Wang, Yongze Liu, Su-Yan Pang, Xixin Lu, Xiang Zhang, Haijun Cheng, Jun Ma. Reduction-induced aggregation of manganese dioxide colloids by guaiacol. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 465: 106-112.

24. Xiaoliu Huangfu, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma, Yaan Wang, Yongze Liu, Xixin Lu, Xiang Zhang, Haijun Cheng. Reduction-induced aggregation and/or dissolution of MnO2 colloids by organics. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 482: 485-490.

25. Xiaoliu Huangfu, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma, Yongze Liu, and Jing Yang. Aggregation Kinetics of Manganese Dioxide Colloids in Aqueous Solution: Influence of Humic Substances and Biomacromolecules. Environment Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (18): 10285-10292.

26. 刘永泽,江进,马军, 罗从伟,皇甫小留,郭忠凯. 臭氧氧化过程中羟基自由基产率测定与分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2015, 47(2): 9-12.

27. 刘永泽,江进,马军,罗从伟,皇甫小留,郭忠凯. 温度对O3O3/H2O2工艺去除水中痕量阿特拉津的影响研究. 中国给水排水,2015, 31(5): 54-57.

28. 洪苡辰,刘永泽*,张立秋,封莉,薛力强,张娜.臭氧催化氧化深度处理焦化废水效能研究. 给水排水, 2017, 43(12): 53-57.

29. 杜思媛,刘永泽*,张立秋. 臭氧氧化法降解聚氯乙烯离心母液废水中3种有机物. 化工环保, 2017, 37(6): 638-643.




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